I can guarantee you’ve never analyzed all of the components of your life quite like this! Take the assessment that will tell you exactly where you are on the journey to self-care…and what you need to do to achieve your most fulfilled, flourishing self.
The tree has many branches, and they have to be evaluated separately and comprehensively. After all, your overall picture of health depends on things like mental self-care, physical self-care, spiritual self-care, professional self-care, and emotional self-care, among others. All of those things make up who you are and how you move through the world. Why not get clear on where you are at this very moment?
By knowing where you stand on the tree of self-care and completing the various exercises in the book, you will have a clear picture of what your ideal self and ideal future looks like. Many people think they know, but they haven’t done an exercise like the one I have for you! Let’s get really specific about that life of your dreams so that you can decide what choices you’ll need to make to take it from imagination to reality.
They say no man is an island…but have they met women? So many of us are happy to figure out and do everything for ourselves without asking for the critical component of support from the people around us. And hey, everyone could use a little help now and again! Learn how to identify what you need, how to accept help from others, and how to set realistic expectations so that you have a supportive, enriching tribe of people around you at all times. I can guarantee you that they want to see you shine, just like I do, so don’t be afraid to bring help into your life!
You will have a clear, solid vision of where you currently stand, where you want to go, and everything you need to do to realize the life you want. Health and well-being is more than kale salads and the occasional yoga class…join me to tackle your health deeply and comprehensively.
A 15-minute strategy session with me could be the key to unlocking your team's potential.